Keeping healthy eyesight has always been taken lightly by most of us. Our eyes are an important part of our health as it helps us to see and make sense of the world. Just as it is important to keep our bodies healthy, we also need to keep our eyes healthy. Whether you’re working from home or in the office, frequent use of computers, tablets, TV, and smartphone screens can make your eyes tired and cause eyestrain. A regular eye examination is the best way to protect your eyesight – and an easy precaution to take. Here are some tips to help maintain eye health as you age.
1. Eat A Balanced Diet
Choose foods rich in antioxidants, like Vitamin A and C; foods like leafy, green vegetables, and fish. Many foods – especially fatty fish like salmon provide omega-3 fatty acids that are important to the health of the macula, the part of the eye responsible for the central vision. A good balance diet also helps you to stay at a healthy weight. This can lower the risk of obesity and Type II diabetes, the leading cause of blindness in adults.
2. Quit Smoking
Smoking can damage your optic nerve and eventually leads to cataracts. Seek medical help if you find it hard to stop the habit.
3. Take care of your screen time
Follow the 20-20-20 rule when logging screen time. For every 20 minutes, you look at a device screen, you should gaze at something that is at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Make sure your screen is at eye level or slightly lower and sit approximately 25 inches away from the screen. Adequate lighting in your room is also important; make sure it’s not too dark or bright.
4. Protect Your Eyes from the Sun
The UV rays from the sun can burn our skin, but do you know it can also harm the eye? Wear protective sunglasses that blocks up to 99% UVA and UVB ray when you’re outside. It doesn’t have to be an expensive pair, so check the label to see the protection against UV rays exposure they offered. You can also use hats and umbrellas to shield your eyes from the sun.
5. Get a Good Night Sleep
Don’t underestimate how sleeping can help to improve our bodily functions. Our body repairs itself during sleep so getting a good 6-8 hours of sleep can actually make a difference. You’ll look great and can perform well at work and home.
Don’t take your eye health care lightly. We only have a set of eyes to use for the rest of our lives, although technology has advanced and new techniques and practices have evolved with time, we shouldn’t neglect the importance of maintaining them. As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.