A. Recyclable Materials
Used Paper
2. Carton:
Carton boxes
Beverage carton
3. Metal:
Scrap Metals
Metal cans
Metal caps
Aluminium cans
4. Plastic bottles
5. Glass bottles
B. Electronic Waste (e-waste)
Electronic devices
Circuit plate
C. Food Waste
Leftover foods
D. Reusable Materials
Old clothes
Used banners
Types of Operation
1. Collector
The center/ company only provide the collection service on recyclable items/ certain items. Example: circuit plates, papers, plastics, aluminium, cartridges & etc.
2. Processing
The center/ company that provided service after the recyclable items are collected. Example: cleaning & separation processes to be done before the recycling process.
3. Recycler
The center/ company that process the recyclable items into raw materials that can be used for making new products after collect, cleaning & separation processes.
4. Recovery
The center/ company that provided waste management system to reprocess the existing resources into new products. Example: food waste is converted into fertilizer by using food waste converter.